London Calling

 London Calling

London, England has in recent history, been a leader in efforts to reduce anthropogenic climate change. An earlier example is the construction of the Thames Barrier. In 1984 the Thames Barrier became fully operational. This massive structure "...spans 520 metres across the River Thames near Woolwich and protects 125 square kilometres of central London from flooding caused by tidal surges" (Kelly 2018). In today's currency the Barrier cost ~1.5 billion pounds.  This is to illustrate that the local city government in London has been aware of climate issues for some time. 

Today they are using both top-down and bottom-up approaches to combat climate change. London has established the goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

To achieve this goal they have drafted a report on the best practices and possible policy solutions to achieve the goal of being carbon neutral in 2030. 

One example of a top down policy that would reduce co2 emissions would be the replacement and retrofitting of existing water heating boilers with heat pumps which are more energy efficient. The policy change would be to ban new boilers for new construction starting in 2025. The UK's home gas boilers are estimated as emitting twice as much CO2 as all the power stations in England (Carrington 2021). Replacing the boilers with heat pumps will drastically reduce the amount of CO2 in the air in London.

A bottom-up policy they are taking at the same time is the Congestion Charge which is a fee assessed to drivers entering the center of London during peak hours. This fee, based off of Singapore's similar program, is meant to nudge residents to take public transportation or other mobility devices into the center city as opposed to taking single-rider car trips into work. This pigouvian tax (a tax on actions that cause externalities)  was implemented on drivers who by driving their cars, are cluttering and polluting city streets. This also causes additional traffic and hassle for those who have to drive. As you can see from the below infographic while London's population grew traffic and greenhouse gas emissions both decreased. This is an example of a bottom-up approach where one is attempting to influence consumers decisions as opposed to outright prohibition as is the case with boilers in new construction. 

In terms of power dynamics, both approaches were planned and executed by the ruling class and those that are many times the most affected are the more marginalized groups in society who may not have the money to say install a new heat pump. London to its credit has attempted to design the program in a equitable manner, they are giving out 5000 pound grants to those who decide to install a heat pump. 

Taken from: San Francisco Transit Authority. (2020, February 13). Downtown Congrestion Pricing Strategy.

Above is a map of London's Flood risk. Taken from

Because as we all know:
"The Ice age is coming, the suns zooming in
Engines stop running, the wheat is growing thin
A nuclear era, but I have no fear
'Cause London is drowning 
I, I live by the River" (Clash 1979)

Kelly, M. (2018). The Thames Barrier:: Climate change, shipping and the transition to a new envirotechnical regime. In Histories of Technology, the Environment and Modern Britain (pp. 206–229). UCL Press.

Element Energy. (2022, January 18). Analysis of a Net Zero 2030 Target for Greater London.

Carrington, D. (2021, September 29). UK’s home gas boilers emit twice as much CO2 as all power stations – study. The Guardian.

Clash (Musical group). (1979). London calling. New York, NY :Epic Records,


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